3 Reasons to talk about medical marijuana
With the medical marijuana industry growing at an unprecedented rate, there are still prejudices and stigmas associated with its use. With that in mind, lets cover the incredibly important and pressing reasons why talking about medical marijuana is crucial. Marijuana in the United States is most often depicted in a funny or comical light. Even if you’ve got the Best …
16 Health benefits from medical marijuana
Marijuana has many positive health benefits and as its legalization in the medical industry begins to spread across the United States, its potential in modern medicine is beginning to shine. While recreational marijuana use remains controversial, it’s hard to deny the evidence that marijuana provides relief for patients suffering from a variety of medical conditions. That’s why medical marijuana dispensaries …
Cannabis oil: a real miracle medicine
Recent research shows actually reduction in cancer cell growth, by using hash oil! The vast healing ability of cannabis is still being discovered, & a lot that has been medically proven. Like the ability for cannabis to decrease pain, nausea, & many other conditions. The incredible diverse applications of cannabis is truly profound, including its ability to kill MRSA. So …
Popular podcasts about marijuana
7 Insane truths about medical marijuana
The medical marijuana industry is big and only getting bigger. With that in mind, lets examine some of the insane facts that have managed to sneak their way through the cracks. As medical marijuana continues to spread in popularity, a great deal of the original stigma surrounding cannabis is beginning to dissipate. For instance, west wendover dispensary are an example …
Cooking with Cannabis
Cannabis Cooking Cooking with marijuana is usually cooked with baked goods and the first step to preparing cannabis for baking is to make “Cannabutter.” Once you have prepared your own marijuana bud butter, you can use it as a replacement for regular butter. Cookies, brownies and many other delicious treats have butter as a major ingredient. To prepare marijuana as …
Washington State’s changing medical marijuana laws
You may have heard about the recent changes to medical marijuana laws on July 1st, 2016 here in Washington State. The benefits of being a medical marijuana patient extends beyond the successful treatment of ailments such as: Growing 4 plants for your own consumption. 6+ if you are registered with the Dept. of Health Voluntary Patient Database. Any medical patient …